Sunday, April 4, 2010


“Someday we’ll all be gone, but lullabies go on and on; they never die- that’s how you and I will be” (“Lullaby,” Billy Joel).

Sometimes, reading God’s words is like being sung a sweet lullaby. The letters printed neatly on the page mean more than normal- as in, not divine- words do. You all know me, and you know that I love words. But there is a huge difference between the words of God and the words of man. It is just like the difference between reading a lullaby and having one sung to you.

Someday all of us will be gone, but God’s word endures. “Heaven and earth will pass away,” Jesus said to his disciples, “but my words will never pass away” (Luke 21:33).

Neither will his promise to us pass away. The promise that our sins would be atoned for, a promise secured by Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, has been handed down and revered for ages- and for good reason, for it is the only way that we are saved. Theoretically, we would never catch ourselves taking that promise for granted. And yet, we are imperfect and sinful, and we forget sometimes that the reason we can have such a strong relationship with our Father is because he relinquished His son for us to be cleansed.

Today, let us recall all of the moments when it seemed like there was nothing left for us. Let us ponder upon every hardship, every illness, and every trial- let us remember how faithful God was in those times. When we were afraid, we trusted in Him, and He lifted us up again. When our sin consumed us and we had nowhere to turn, God did not avoid us, but instead sought us out. Perhaps some of us are experiencing times like these right now; perhaps we have just come out of them. Regardless, we have the ability to bring these things to God and Jesus, and they carry us through them. Instead of our sinful nature forever separating us from God, Jesus gave his life to make us closer to Him. I cannot fathom a more selfless sacrifice. Today- and every day- is His day. Let us be thankful for the lullaby of God’s word and the never-ending salvation that comes from Jesus’ sacrifice.

“Someday your child may cry, and if you sing this lullaby, then in your heart there will always be a part of me…” (“Lullaby,” Billy Joel). God’s love dries our tears, and although we don’t deserve it, we are always in His heart. In the same way He loves us, let us love one another. How else do we spread the lullaby of God, except by emulating his Greatest Command?

PS- This song has inexpressible meaning for my father and I, and I am grateful to all who read this post because it means I have the opportunity to share it with you. Here is the link: . It’s also called “Goodnight, My Angel,” which I think is a very fitting title.


  1. Readers,
    How does the lullaby of God's word speak to you? Or, in what other ways does God speak to you in your life? Please share!
    - Jessica

  2. First of all - I love Billy Joel and I love that song. When I saw him perform it live in concert, I got all teary-eyed. It's so beautiful and heartfelt and touching. And I love how you encorporated it into the idea of your article. (You really are an exceptional writer!)

    I really really like the idea of God's words being a lullaby to my soul. I've never thought of that analogy before, but there have been times (usually when I'm hurting or struggling) and have read God's words and the feeling of comfort it gave me in that moment of pain, was reminiscent of a loving Father pulling me up on to His lap and rocking me and whispering "Shhh... everything will be okay."

    Two of those scriptures are: "The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit." (Psalm 34:18) and "The name of the LORD is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe." (Proverbs 18:10)
